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Will Allen and the Terrible Truth - Chronicles of the Monster Detective Agency series book #4 review by 1231713 | LitPick Book Reviews
Will Allen and the Terrible Truth - Chronicles of ...
Will Allen and the Terrible Truth: Chronicles of the Monster Detective Agency Volume 4
Age Range - 8 - 12
Genre - Adventure
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 16
Reviewer's Location - Harrisburg, PA, United States
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Will Allen and the Terrible Truth - Chronicles of the Monster Detective Agency series book #4 by Jason Edwards follows the lives of main characters Will and Jeannine.  The amazing monster stories are simply vivid detailing of every day struggles that kids endure: bullying, body shaming, low self-esteem, guilt.  Will and Jeannine help their peers, and fellow classmates to face their "monsters" which are their fears.  It is with trust, loyalty, honesty and forgiveness that Will is able to slay the monsters that haunt children and himself.  The author shows kids that it is okay to have humanity, inner strength and with friends by our side, we can all conquer our monsters. Will and Jeannine are show trying to live life with all the complexity that comes with it, but ultimately, it is about friendship and the power it gives us.



I like the way the author, Jason Edwards, relates to kids about their fears and how to conquer them. As kids we are always told to face our fears, but what does that really mean.  Will Allen and Jeannine help kids to learn how to face fears, and what seem like monsters are sometimes our emotions controlling the fear in us. This is action packed and filled with vivid writing.  For example: When Will fights his pirate monster, the story pulls you into Will's fear, then finally, his victory! I really enjoyed this book. I look forward to reading the rest of the series.


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