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Brothers, Bullies and Bad Guys review by nictaf | LitPick Book Reviews
Brothers, Bullies and Bad Guys review by nictaf
Brothers, Bullies and Bad Guys (Boulton Quest Series)
Age Range - 8 - 12
Genre - Adventure
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

Age at time of review - 13
Reviewer's Location - Phoenix, AZ, United States
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Brothers, Bullies, and Bad Guys is a book about brothers, Chris and Michael, and their amazing travels. Chris was already lying in bed when his brother Michael finally came in for the night. Michael had been out bullying with his buddies again, as usual.


They went to sleep but were awakened at 3:05 a.m. by a loud noise downstairs. Their parents started shouting. A few seconds later, they heard their parents being kidnapped! The bad guys were now after them.


Chris and Michael hid and bolted away as soon as they could. Now it's a race against the clock to find their parents before they get killed. They don't even know where to start looking, because they don't know why their parents were taken. Can Chris and Michael find their parents before it is too late? Can they stay alive? Find out in this captivating book!


I think N.D. Richman wrote an excellent book; it was full of twists and turns. Throughout the book I didn't know what was going to happen, and it kept me on the edge of my seat. I loved the way N.D. Richman worked the themes of family and friendship into the story. I would love to read additional titles from him. The characters were highly-developed, and the plot was well-described. I absolutely loved this book!


One of the best described parts of ​Brothers, Bullies and Bad Guys was this section: “Chris's brain felt like an ice pack, and his muscles and bones ached with cold. If he moved, they would snap in two, like a Popsicle slammed into a counter.”


I can't think of anything that could make this book any better! I would recommend it to students ages 12 and up because there is some death.

Content Rating:

Content rating - some mature content

Explain your content rating: 

There was some death.




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