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Enter the Realm of Flesh review by snehayamsani | LitPick Book Reviews
Enter the Realm of Flesh review by snehayamsani
Enter the Realm of Flesh
Age Range - Mature Young Adult
Genre - Adventure

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 18
Reviewer's Location - West Des Moines, IA, United States
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Michael Phoenix was a typical teenager who liked to sleep, play video games, and listen to music. He lived a normal life with his mom. Michael’s dad, on the other hand, lived a life far from normal. Then everything changed.


Michael wants revenge when family friend Lukas Ikkstrom tells him about another realm filled with monsters who were responsible for his parents' deaths. With the help of his friends and his newly found powers, Michael will travel to hell and back to bring forth justice.



“For a split second, a certain word sprang to Michael’s mind: Destiny.”

A.N. Sinner creates an intriguing world for the minds of young readers, using monsters, the mafia, and ancient mythology in Enter the Realm of Flesh.

Sinner does an excellent job with Michael's character development. At the beginning of this novel, readers see Michael as a typical teenager going through the motions of high school. But after his parents' death, he matures drastically from a boy to a strong man. The writing techniques Sinner uses to convey the development allows readers to witness Michael’s growth, creating a classic coming of age novel.

The plot was interesting as it explored the theory of there being more than one realm and the existence of monsters. In fact, I felt Michael Phoenix, in this novel, was the equivalent of Thor.

Although the plot was interesting, at times certain details were lost because there are so many things happening at once. There were moments I felt the writing could have been better developed, but it was generally quite enjoyable and easily understood. This story also serves to be a quick read for those who do not enjoy long reading material. I finished it in two days!

Content Rating:

Content rating - mature content

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There is a lot of cursing and gory battle scenes. There is also some sexual content.

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