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The Revelation of Gabriel Adam review by nowhereman | LitPick Book Reviews
The Revelation of Gabriel Adam review by nowherema...
The Revelation of Gabriel Adam (The Revelation Saga)
by S.L. Duncan
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fantasy

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 15
Reviewer's Location - Uxbridge, Mass., United States
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Gabriel Adam is like any normal teenager. The only thing different about him is that he moves around a lot. That is until he is told that he is an angel that has to save the world. Gabriel then is launched into this battle between good and evil to save the world. Along the way he meets challenges and people that will test him to his limits. Do you want to follow Gabriel in his thrill ride battle against evil? Then you have to read this awesome adventure to see the end!


I really enjoyed reading The Revelation of Gabriel Adam by S.L. Duncan. I really liked the idea of The End of the World being stopped from Archangels. Its straight from The Bible it seems which is pretty cool. Most end of the world stories has to do with zombies or government disaster, and for the most part are pretty similar, This one stood out for sure. Duncan weaves the end of the world thriller with The Bible perfectly, like no one else has done before. I recommend this for teenagers and up.

Content Rating:

Content rating - religious perspective

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