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The Klaatu Terminus review by nowhereman | LitPick Book Reviews
The Klaatu Terminus review by nowhereman
The Klaatu Terminus (Klaatu Diskos)
by Pete Hautman
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 15
Reviewer's Location - Uxbridge, Mass., United States
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Tucker, Lia, and Kosh are coming to the conclusion of their time stopping adventure. Tucker and Lia are reunited in the distant future. They are looking for answers to their questions about the mysterious diskos. Before they can find out anything, they first have to reunite with Kosh in the present day. He also is looking for answers, more specifically, about his rescuer, Emma. He recognizes her from a painful and distant past. Before they can find out anything, they first have to stop Gheen, a madman driven by the lust of power. Will their questions be answered about the diskos? Will they ever find out who made them? And for what purpose? You have to read this heart stopping book to find out!


This book was simply amazing. Having read the trilogy, I can say that this is the best one in it by far. The author does a stellar job finishing up the story and weaving all the time streams together into one thrilling conclusion. All of your questions will be answered, and many of those questions will have suprising answers. Hautman does an amazing job of making Tucker, Lahlia, and Kosh feel like real people. Hautman also does a good job of making this time travel story feel not so far fetched that it could never happen in real life. I recommend this book to any teenagers that likes Sci-Fi, mystery, or action books.

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