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Hope and Other Punch Lines review by Reegan_Reads | LitPick Book Reviews
Hope and Other Punch Lines review by Reegan_Reads
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 18
Reviewer's Location - Windham, Maine, United States
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 “Hope and Other Punchlines,” written by Julie Buxbaum, is a story about a young woman named Abbi Hope Goldstein. Abbi is a 9/11 survivor who was one year old at the time of the attack.  Fifteen years later, she is still being recognized from the famous photo that was taken of her on that day, the photo that changed Abbi’s life forever. 

The photo was one which changed her identity from Abbi Goldstein to Baby Hope. Fifteen years later, Abbi is still identified as this child who symbolized hope during a time of devastation. Everywhere she went, she was recognized as the little girl who’s picture depicted the innocence of life during an act of pure evil. Wherever she would go, people would hug her. They would cry to her and tell her their experiences on that horrific day. Strangers would talk about the ones they lost and the ones they never found. Abbi’s life revolved around the tragic memories of others and she resented that photo ever being taken. 

Noah Stern was a young boy who’s life was also changed by 9/11. He has spent his young years wondering what exactly happened that day. Unknowingly,  Noah and Abbi’s paths were brought together when they began working as counselors at a local summer camp. It was at this camp that Noah recognized Abbi as Baby Hope, and in turn, he saw her as a means to obtain the much needed answers he had yearned for around his father’s death. Abbi however wants only to be Abbi. She doesn’t want to be recognized as Baby Hope. Despite that however, Noah convinced her into helping him interview all the people in the Baby Hope photo. He wanted to learn about their 9/11 experiences in effort to solve the lifelong puzzle he had been struggling to put together for so long. While at first reluctant to delve into the history of a picture she has worked so hard to ignore, Abbi soon learns that Noah is a sweet, caring person who just wants to know what happened that aweful day.



 I enjoyed reading “Hope and Other Punchlines,” by Julie Buxbaum,immensely. The first ten pages of this book completely morphed my perspective of 9/11. When learning of this tragic event in history class, it feels as though this travesty occurred so long ago in history yet, it didn’t. It happened nineteen years ago.  The individuals it directly impacted still live with the pain and loss that was inflicted on this day. Our country still grieves from the devastation inflicted by this act of terrorism. 

While this book was about a very horrific and tragic event, the author still managed to make it lighthearted with embedded humor. I loved Abbi as a main character. Although I did not always agree with the decisions she made, I understood her rationale for the decisions. Abbi had a great sense of humor which made many of her interactions with Noah the highlights of the book. I loved Noah’s character just as much as I loved Abbi’s. He was sweet, charming, and entertaining. The actions of his character actually made me laugh aloud while reading. 

While this book revealed a romantic development between Abbi and Noah, the friendships that developed as the storyline progressed contributed so much toward my enjoyment of the book. Noah had a  best friend named Jack and he was hilarious. He was the type of best friend I want to have. Both he and Noah constantly made fun of each other, which made for lots of witty banter that contributed so much to the storyline. Jack and Noah were always there for each other throughout the novel which showed how true their friendship was. Jack welcomed Abbi into their little group with open arms, allowing for another amazing friendship to develop. 

I adored “Hope and Other Punch-lines,” written by Julie Buxbaum. Despite the seriousness of the event the storyline is based on, the author managed to make it lighthearted and entertaining. To see a positive relationship develop after years of suffering from a tragic event made for such a wonderful story.  I hope many more people will be intrigued to read this book and experience a different, although fictional, perspective about 9/11. 

Content Rating:

Content rating - some mature content

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Characters Kiss a few times, innuendos are made, and swearing occurs.

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