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Fresh Ink: An Anthology review by amandaspk17 | LitPick Book Reviews
Fresh Ink: An Anthology review by amandaspk17
Fresh Ink: An Anthology
by Lamar Giles
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Anthology
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 19
Reviewer's Location - Brule, NE, United States
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Fresh Ink: An Anthology is an anthology of short stories put together by an amazing group of authors! The stories all focus on young adults and are geared toward coming-of-age type situations for the main characters. The stories range from discovering one's true potential to being truly comfortable in the skin you are in. For the most part, the stories are realistic fiction, however, at least two fall into the category of fantasy, and one is actually in graphic novel format. 


This anthology gave me a new perspective on growing up "different" in a world that assumes everyone wants the same things. Each story is told from the point-of-view of a character that the authors themselves describe as lacking in the world of writing. Characters from differing cultures, who speak different languages, who fall in love in different ways, or who experience life outside of what is considered "normal" by many come to life among these pages.

I would recommend this anthology to high school or college-age kids who are either looking for themselves among the pages of a novel or who wish to experience the world through the lens of another. Please be aware this novel does contain LGBTQ+ references as well as references to death.

Content Rating:

Content rating - some mature content

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Contains love stories between characters of the same sex. Contains a short story about shooting/gang violence.

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