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Will Allen and the Terrible Truth - Chronicles of the Monster Detective Agency series book #4 review by rephilipsen | LitPick Book Reviews
Will Allen and the Terrible Truth - Chronicles of ...
Will Allen and the Terrible Truth: Chronicles of the Monster Detective Agency Volume 4
Age Range - 8 - 12
Genre - Adventure
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 11
Reviewer's Location - Orange City, Iowa, United States
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Will Allen is a Monster detective who solves cases with his partner Jeannine.  The only tools they use to defeat the monsters are the RevealeR and the Monster Scope. The RevealeR is a flashlight used to show the truth about the monsters. The Monster Scope is a magnifying glass used to find monsters. Jeannine, Will’s slightly bossy and odd dressing partner, usually takes care of the girls’ monsters, because to defeat a monster, you have to understand it.

Will has just been informed of a new case. A girl named Ronda needs help! Sadly, Jeannine can’t help her because she has been given a role in a movie and is very busy, so Will will have to take care of this case on his own. Will is afraid that he will not be able to help Ronda, but thankfully, his own monster was very similar to hers, allowing him to help her.

Although Will can help her and Jeannine is back, his troubles are not yet over. His Monster Scope and RevealeR are not working! And even more, he has another client who needs his help! His client, George, is a rich, stuck-up kid caught up in the wrong influence. Will he be able solve this case with the help of his friend Jeannine and defeat his own monster who is back again?


Will Allen and the Terrible Truth is a very influential book that speaks about overcoming your fears (monsters). It sucks you in with characters that kids can relate to. The author, Jason Edwards, does an excellent job choosing fears that kids have and relating to them. The pictures by Jeffrey Friedman fit well with the story. I really enjoyed this book and think others will, too, especially those ages 9-12.

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