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WARPACT! review by Miracle | LitPick Book Reviews
WARPACT! review by Miracle
Age Range - Mature Young Adult
Genre - Science Fiction

LitPick Review

Age at time of review - 25
Reviewer's Location - Cebu city 6000, Cebu, Philippines
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In the science fiction novel WARPACT, which is set in a world populated by hunters, Kidahin, who was raised in a socially and hierarchically structured society, led the higher socially ranked females by using her military status and male respect. Kidahin plots tactics, goes through the process of becoming recognized as a leader, and then becomes trapped in an alien world while trying to avoid the enemy. Delwyn has always been protected by Kidahin. Kidahin gets promoted and realizes she can't be on Delwyn's tail anymore. She worries about Delwyn who doesn't have a female to help him and is also engaging in a battle with their enemy. Dr Tek Nal who is in charge of the research institute also kept studying and experimenting on some creatures.  Dr Tek Nal studied their environmental conditions and technology to replicate these creatures on the moon. Will Dr Tek Nal succeed? Will Kidahin and her group survive, and will Kidahin find a way to  be with Delwyn?


This book talks about a different kind of civilization or society where Kidahin is a female hunter.  It's a society that has put females in a high position to protect the males. This book talks about different clans, their culture, a rite of passage to adulthood, how they sense each other scents, and their relationship with humans. It also covers how humans influenced climate change and how they caused some creatures to go extinct.

Kidahin seems to care a lot for Delwyn, but she doesn't seem to trust him enough to face anything alone even if he was able to break the enemy's security to rescue her and also made her get the green bead which helped raise her rank. Kidahin is a character with a high sense of responsibility and wants to take it all on herself, which is something many real people can relate to and understand.

I love the little details given in the book, for example about the time conversion to human time and the food chain process of the creatures Dr. Tek Nal was experimenting on. This book uses different scientific elements, aliens, and the process of war technology. It has a very creative plot, which can be a little bit overwhelming to read. I will recommend this book to lovers of military science fiction, environmentalism, and extraterrestrial life.

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