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Crash Into You review by derbyc | LitPick Book Reviews
Crash Into You review by derbyc
Crash into You
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 14
Reviewer's Location - Corning, New York, United States
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Crash Into You is a story about two teens, Rachel and Isaiah. When issues in life arise, the two of them find out how much they truly mean to each other and how much they love each other. Through thick and thin, the couple stays strong and sticks together. As there love grows stronger and stronger every day, they realize they are inseparable. Until something happens that could change their relationship forever…



Crash Into You is a thrilling rollercoaster filled with extreme events and many twists. I really liked how the story was put together; it made a lot of sense to me. I also liked that each of the teens got to explain their point of view. This book is good for people who like books with romance and chick lit. I would recommend it for ages 13-16. This book had a great plot, but I didn’t like the cliff hanger ending.

Content Rating:

Content rating - mature content

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I would recommend this for high school students due to sexual content.

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