LitPick Review

Have you ever wondered why the Hindenburg actually exploded? Sorry, no one can tell you that. But if you read this book, you will understand what probably happened.
Tony, an ill fourteen-year old in a wheelchair, and his health aide, Hawes, are assigned to solve the mystery of the Hindenburg. They are to find out why the Zeppelin blew up. Tony’s friend, Juniper, who recently started dating a runaway named Dirk, helps but also provides a distraction for Tony. Tony, who fancies Juniper, is jealous of Dirk and wonders why she would prefer Dirk. Concerned, Tony cannot fully concentrate on his project.
Hitting him on the head like lightning, he realizes how to solve the mystery: recreate the incident. For most people, this would be an impossible task. Luckily, Tony is a millionaire who can afford the materials and constructors to do the work for him, given his condition. But there's so much he must learn along the way.
Being a relatively short novel, Lundqvist fit a lot of information into every page. Some of the language and actions from the characters may be better suited for kids aged twelve through fourteen. But the storyline of the book seemed to be made more for kids aged seven through ten. The plot was basic and focused on teaching about the Zeppelin. There were, however, many confusing words, and the characters jumped around to different places. There were times when I was unable to follow where the characters were.
I enjoyed learning about the Hindenburg and why it exploded, and I recommend this book to people who appreciate learning and prefer shorter stories.