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The Secrets of the Greaser Hotel review by nictaf | LitPick Book Reviews
The Secrets of the Greaser Hotel review by nictaf
The Secrets of the Greaser Hotel
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Adventure
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 12
Reviewer's Location - Phoenix, AZ, United States
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The Secrets of the Greaser Hotel is a book about Allie Argos and her miserable life in the Greaser Hotel.  Allie knows little about her past before she came to the Greaser Hotel.  Allie has been trapped in the Greaser Hotel for over 9 years.  All she knows is backbreaking labor under the cruel watch of  Mrs. Friendly.   When a chance to escape arises, Allie takes it, but at a cost. She has to leave her fellow slaves/friends. When she also realizes that she can use magic, she might just be able to free her fellow friends.  Unfortunately, at the moment she doesn't quite know how to control it.  Will she be able to learn how to control her magic? Can she save her friends? Find out in this exciting adventure!


The Secrets of the Greaser Hotel was an awesome book to read!  This book is a mildly violent book tinged with hopefulness. Overall, I liked this book.  The author used great descriptions.  For example,  the author described one man with "hands the size of pasta bowls."  Another description I liked was when "Allie toppled forward like a chair with two legs missing."  I was enthralled by this book.  The story was great fun, and I especially liked it when Allie snuck grit and hairballs in the Friendly family's food.  I would recommend this book to ages 12 and up.  I can't wait for the next book J. Scott Fuqua writes!



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Content rating - some mature content

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Some killing descriptions.

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