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There's a Zombie in the Basement review by RyanL | LitPick Book Reviews
There's a Zombie in the Basement review by Ry...
There's a Zombie in the Basement
Age Range - 5 - 8
Genre - Humor

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 13
Reviewer's Location - Monmouth, OR, United States
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In the book There’s a Zombie in the Basement, Stan Yan tells the tale of an anxious young boy who cannot sleep because he is afraid of scary creatures in the dark. This fictional picture book is set in the present day in a little boy’s bedroom. The story begins at bedtime when the boy calls his parents to his room because he is afraid of what might be lurking in the basement. He fears that many frightening monsters such as zombies, vampires, ghosts, and grim reapers are coming to get him. Will the monsters attack? Read There’s a Zombie in the Basement to find out!


I read this book to my four year old cousin. He thought the rhymes were funny. I thought the book was repetitive, but my cousin didn't think so. He liked that he could relate to the story because he is scared of the dark sometimes, too. Both of us liked that the author invited us to draw a picture at the end. This book is appropriate for children ages 3-5 (as long as the monsters don't scare them!). For this age group, we rate it four out of five stars. 

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