The Surreal Adventures of Anthony Zen review by Be...

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 20
Reviewer's Location - Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria
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The Surreal Adventures Of Anthony Zen by Cameron Alexander Straughan is a humorous book about the funny life of Anthony Zen and his daily adventures. Anthony Zen is a young man who deals with life in amusement. His daily life adventures are presented to us in sections as they relate to it in comics. At first, he is a very forgetful man, taking after his father in that aspect. Most times he arrives at work with no pants on and other times he sleeps in people's apartments, having no idea it is not his! This actually does not bother him at all, considering the fact that he is used to it. Then he has his parents who are a much more embarrassing couple to him, and his cat, the only company he has in his house. They all aided to each adventure written in the book. These and many more stories are in the book, revealing its hilarious content to its readers. Why don't you fill your mind with these pleasant adventures?


The book is divided into various sections, with each section taking off from where the last one finished. Each part is a short story with a pictorial illustration at the end.  I like this because it makes the story look very intriguing and short to read. The book presents us with humor that feels so satisfying and at some times full of pity. Take for instance, when he first got to work without pants; it felt funny, but I pitied him for his lack of remembrance. The character is considered a comical man, with each adventure being covered hilariously. Though the way Anthony Zen responds to life problems might not be quite relatable, some parts, like his parents embarrassing him, is one that is widely experienced. Apart from that, I see him as an easy-going and carefree character who does not have to worry much about certain things since he does not care about the outcome. While reading The Surreal Adventures Of Anthony Zen, I laughed a lot and even had to re-read some sentences to laugh all over. It was undeniably entertaining and one I would love to go through again.

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I rated this book 5 out of 5 stars since it made me laugh a lot, and it was very fascinating. I would recommend this to readers of humorous books and to anyone wanting to have a good laugh.




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