The Surreal Adventures of Anthony Zen
The Surreal Adventures of Anthony Zen
Top Choice

These twenty-three interconnected short stories dissect the chaos of modern life with a unique brand of off-the-wall humour. Anthony Zen pokes fun at the idea that our bosses can be pigs, our parents can be embarrassing and absent-minded, time is relative, justice is blind, and the foundations of our relationships might not always pass the inspection of a team of geologists.

In Anthony’s world, the mundane becomes fantastic. EVERYTHING is a target for satire. Are these illustrated stories just a good laugh - some silly fun - or do they deep dive into the minutia and machinations that manipulate our daily existence? YOU decide!

Book Details


  • Humor

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
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The Surreal Adventures of Anthony Zen written by Cameron Alexander Straughan is a collection of short stories about the life of a man named Anthony Zen, written in a hilarious and sarcastic manner. Most of the short stories in this book are around five pages long and capture a moment from Anthony Zen's daily life. From stories of Anthony accidentally mistaking a grocery store for his own house to him furiously rushing to work only to remember it was his day off, Anthony's stories are always full of adventure.

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The Surreal Adventures Of Anthony Zen by Cameron Alexander Straughan is a humorous book about the funny life of Anthony Zen and his daily adventures. Anthony Zen is a young man who deals with life in amusement. His daily life adventures are presented to us in sections as they relate to it in comics. At first, he is a very forgetful man, taking after his father in that aspect. Most times he arrives at work with no pants on and other times he sleeps in people's apartments, having no idea it is not his! This actually does not bother him at all, considering the fact that he is used to it.

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