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Intangible review by amanklep10599 | LitPick Book Reviews
Intangible review by amanklep10599
Intangible (Piercing the Veil) (Volume 1)
by C A Gray
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fantasy

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 11
Reviewer's Location - Perryville, Maryland, United States
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Peter Stewert is an ordinary outcast until one day, Lily Portman shows up at his school.  Lily can see invisible creatures spread throughout the world attaching to everyone except for Peter.  Peter saves them from a deadly accident.  They both find out that, in a magical city called Carlion, Peter is destined to fight off the evil creatures that Lily sees controlling the human race.  Because Peter always thinks logically, he denies this.  However, denying the truth proves difficult, especially when he starts to unravel Carlion's deepest secrets -- secrets that even most of the citizens don't know about.


"Intangible" was an extremely exciting story that kept me reading on the edge of my seat.  It had it all: humor, science, fantasy, fiction and fairytale.  The characters were all believable and likeable.  However, the main character, Peter, was too scientific, hard to relate to and understand, and wasn't very kind or friendly.  Overall, I loved "Intangible," because it was fascinating, scientific, and it talked about fairytales!

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