LitPick Review

Clara is sure Gypsies are out to get her when they establish their camp in the woods near her home, but when she meets a Gypsy boy named Luke, her mindset changes. She and Luke spend time together every afternoon and get to know each other quite well. But when she is invited to dinner, Luke’s grandmother senses the secret that Clara cannot tell anyone, especially a Gypsy: Clara is a shapeshifter.
Her great-great-great-great aunt, Clara Elizabeth Cartwright, was cursed by a Gypsy one night while shapeshifting back into her human form. From then on, the shapeshifters in the family were forced to transform on the night of the full moon and at no other time. Desperate to break the curse, Clara finds her great aunt’s diaries to learn more. Will Luke’s grandmother ban Luke from spending time with Clara? And will Clara find a way to break the curse?
A Gypsy Curse, the second book in the Full Moon series, is an enthralling book about a young girl who is trying to do something that has never been done before – break her ancestor’s curse. As you read, the vivid language will draw you into the plot. Girls of any age will thoroughly enjoy Clara’s striking personality and gifts. “One of the amazing things about her gift was her ability to pick up the thoughts of other animals – and she was also able to plant thoughts and impressions in their minds, and affect their behaviour, too.” D.A. McGrath has done a terrific job creating an action-packed novel that will be enjoyed by all.