LitPick Review

This book draws readers into the world of Morgan Montgomery, an Ikati shape-shifter, who can become a panther-like cat at will. The story opens moments before her assigned death, a punishment for treason towards her people. However, Morgan’s former ally, Jenna, the tribe queen, saves Morgan’s life, at least for a brief extent, by giving Morgan one last shot at redemption. Jenna assigns her the task of locating, infiltrating, and destroying the Expurgari, a deadly, ancient enemy of the Ikati. Unwillingly, Morgan is put under the care of Xander Luna, the Ikati’s most feared assassin, whose duty it is to protect Morgan for the two weeks she has to find the Expurgari – and to kill her, if at the end of the time limit, she has been unable to accomplish her mission. Though Xander and Morgan hate each other at the beginning of their journey, the unmistakable chemistry between them disrupts everything they had planned, endangering Morgan’s goal itself.
Though the plot line of Edge of Oblivion promises engaging and vivid action, many of my expectations fell dejectedly short. While on occasion the story’s textual structure and rhetoric nabbed my attention, more often than not, descriptions of characters and actions fell flat. Though the author did attempt to illustrate character personalities to the reader, more often than not the actions and feelings of Xander or Morgan surprised and confused me. It never seemed that the two’s decisions fell exactly in line with the choices their personalities would suggest they’d make. Sentences were short and quick, following the story’s action, yet seemed to illustrate the scenes neither adequately nor vividly. The ending of the story similarly seemed clichéd to me, the characters’ moves lacking individuality. However, if one favors a fast-paced, action-packed story over character development or lush rhetoric, the Edge of Oblivion could be found enjoyable.