LitPick Review

The Deadly Wizard Games is a book about Amanda Fullerton, a scholar at Berkeley. She is at the college, drinking coffee and watching the news. On the news, the president of the United States is just beginning to resign his position when the Liberators shut down his broadcast. Soon after, the Liberators announce to the US that they are taking over the world and are going to make it better. They start with destroying all of the world's nuclear weapons and proclaim they are going to stay for three years to help the world. Through an application and screening process, Amanda is elected Supreme Liaison, a position which will place her near the Liberators and be the link between the Liberators and humans. When things start to become suspicious, Amanda is left all on her own to help the human race. Will Amanda be able to find the hidden mystery? Find out in this great book!
Scott Spotson wrote an amazing book with a great plot and very good characters! The character I liked best was the Liberator Regi. He seemed really nice and helpful. I especially liked that the Liberators were constructing buildings for everyone. I truly enjoyed the fact that this book caught my attention from the get-go, which some books don't.
This book has a strong fantasy and magic base to it, which I really enjoyed. I really hope there will be a second book because this was a great book! If you enjoy books with magic and fantasy, I think you would really enjoy this one! I would recommend it for ages 12 and up because there was some death.