LitPick Review

In the book Timmy Failure: Now Look What You've Done the boy was a detective. In the school he goes to they have a contest to find the missing globe.In the book there is a girl that likes Timmy,but Timmy does not like this girl. She writes many letters to Timmy to tell him she likes him and asks him to go to the dance. The school hosts a party to tell the winner of the globe contest Timmy's"girl friend " wants to know if Timmy would go to the dance with her.Timmy wants to go, but he doesn't want to go with her. Timmy lives out of the district and the school finds out and they kick him out of school. Now he decides to go with his " girl friend " to the party to make the school look bad because they kicked him out. Will he make the school look bad or will he behave so well that they will let him join the school again? Read this book to find out.
I thought the book was funny. The characters were very iterative in the book the characters were not just thrown in. They were mentioned many times in the book. They were well thought in the fact that all the charters had there own personalty. The book was short and funny.The book was a good "for fun "book that will not take you very much time to read. I STRONGLY RECOMMEND THIS BOOK