LitPick Review

When four girls, Kait ,Lainey, Mai and Gabby, get swept into Never Land extraordinary things begin to happen. The girls get to fly, visit, and live with fairies. While they are in Never Land, Kait chooses not to follow the rules and talks to Vidia. Vidia a rebellious fairy, tells Kait to take the Pixie dust because it belongs to everyone. In reality the Pixie Dust, which the fairies use to fly, does belong to everyone but they are only allowed to use a cupful a day so it will last. Kait steals a whole sock full of Pixie Dust. Later, when the fairies try to get the girls home, something goes wrong. All of these things happen the the book, In A Blink. This is the first book in a series call The Never Girls by Kiki Thorpe.
I am only ten years old but, I I thought this book was very simple with a plot that left a lot to be desired. I don't think girls much older than eight would really like it. I think it would be a good book for girls who are just starting to read chapter books. Even though I thought this book was too easy, I would like to see how the girls get back home.