LitPick Review

Milan's in a very unique position. She's a teenage supermodel hiding the fact that she's hearing impaired. Milan knows what it's like to be discriminated against and teased, and she's reluctant to become the poster child for disabilities at the height of her fame. There are also boys -- a longtime love interest, and a foreign exchange student who swoops into her life in a very big way. She looses her mom and is grieving. Her dad is and has always been distant, and her brother doesn't like her for some reason. She has a large group of friends: girls who are supportive. Their world is that of the rich and privileged, with fashion galore, lavish parties, and photo shoots. They all are still in high school. The book ends as a cliff-hanger. We're not quite sure how Milan will handle this latest curveball thrown her way.
I do wish that there was more about Milan dealing with her disability. She's trained herself to sound "normal" when speaking, but I wanted to feel more of her struggle. It seemed like this was something she would have to deal with on a daily basis. Most of the time, I forgot that she was hearing impaired. But in all its a great book and is very easy to read and understand.