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Wish You Were Here: A Rock Fantasy review by sschu5 | LitPick Book Reviews
Wish You Were Here: A Rock Fantasy review by sschu...
Age Range - Adult
Genre - Fantasy

LitPick Review

Age at time of review - 18
Reviewer's Location - Charlotte, NC, United States
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Tomas has recently passed on and gone to Heaven. The Land of Plenty is vastly different than he expected. Tomas' angel guide has come to help him through his path to God and to help him with how confusing Heaven is. God has split the Land of Plenty into many different levels to accommodate the many types of believers. Those who lived a clean and virtuous life are initially put on a higher level than those who do not. However, all who come to Heaven are allowed to work their way up the levels as they mature and grow. Tomas starts on level 5 and continues to meet with his guiding angel as he tries to look for his old bandmate, Paul. However, many activities and strange abilities confuse Tomas throughout his search. 


Wish You Were Here is a sweet tale about a bassist trying to find his bandmate. However, there are many problems throughout the book. The dialogue is very confusing to read, and the story seems to go on forever with no progress. Furthermore, the descriptions of physical activities are convoluted. As the plot ebbs and flows slowly, the reader gets a sense of how frustrated the character is in his search for his friend. Nonetheless, this slow plot formation drags on much too long, and the reader feels as if there should be a big climactic ending to make up for such a long build-up. In the end, the story is disappointing because the reader holds out hope for something so wonderful to happen, and their dreams are dashed as they slog through the tale and reach the end. Overall, the novel was unexpectedly frustrating to read because the outline seems magical and intriguing.

Content Rating:

Content rating - mature content

Explain your content rating: 

Heaven and Hell are described. Along with a spirit form of sex. Mild language.




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