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WhipEye (Book 1) review by BookwormCat | LitPick Book Reviews
WhipEye (Book 1) review by BookwormCat
WhipEye: (Book 1) (Sam Green and the WhipEye Great Ones) (Volume 1)
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fantasy
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 10
Reviewer's Location - Cape Elizabeth, Maine, United States
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WhipEye is about two kids, Samantha and Jake, and their friend Charlie, the almost 1000 year old parrot. In the book, they discover the magical land of KiraKu and its inhabitants, the giant magical animals called the Great Ones and the ancient staff, WhipEye.


Sam and Jake need to stop the evil wizard Magnar from capturing Charlie inside a ring and turning him into a shadow creature, which will give him ultimate power. Can Sam and Jake succeed? Read the book to find out.



WhipEye was an amazing book, with vibrant characters, great descriptions, and a great balance of funny scenes and serious scenes. The characters really felt like real people and when they were in danger I felt like I cared about what happened to them. One of my favorite scenes is when Sam first learns how to use WhipEye and she sees how powerful it is. The power of the staff can move, bend, and grow the trees and plants in the forest to trap things, and she uses it numerous times throughout the book. The first time she uses it, it is a great scene because it is suspenseful at first, and then amazing to find out what WhipEye can do. I really enjoyed the book and would recommend it to kids ages 9 and up, but it is a great book for anyone to read.

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Some action but very kid-friendly

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