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Listen review by sylvie55555 | LitPick Book Reviews
Listen review by sylvie55555
Age Range - 8 - 12
Genre - Juvenile Fiction
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 14
Reviewer's Location - Lexington, MA, United States
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Gwilym has always loved his large and diverse family, and though he still thinks about his mom, he doesn't have much room to miss her while growing up with so many of his relatives. He's even started to become interested in music and wants to learn jazz, the music his mom plays in the band she joined after leaving him and his siblings. Then one day, Gwilym receives a text message from his mom: she's going to be in town with her band, and she wants to meet up with him. Gwilym doesn't understand why she wants to invite him back into her life after so many years, and why his mom chose to text him rather than his older siblings. However, the temptation to finally get to know his mom is strong, and Gwilym has always wondered why she left him. Could this be his chance to finally connect with his mom, or will he just end up hurt again?


Overall, I absolutely loved this heart-warming story. The plot of the story was interesting, and I like the way the author did a great job of capturing the many aspects of child abandonment. It was quite eye-opening to read as the author included various messages about this topic within the story. These were showcased when the main character, Gwilym, experienced feelings of regret as he wondered why his mom left him and his siblings, and if he was part of the problem. I think the author did a nice job of acknowledging these feelings that the main character was having and addressed them in the book. Additionally, I liked the style of writing the author used, which was easy to understand, and the imagery painted a picture of the scenes in my head. The one thing that I did not like about this story was that I wished there was a more steady character development for Gwilym. I felt as if we weren't given enough context on him, which made the first few chapters a little confusing to read. Overall, I really enjoyed this book and recommend it to anyone looking for a simple, heart-warming story to read.

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