Book Reviews by sylvie55555
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Gracie Rodreguiz is a student who has just graduated and won a big marketing competition with her friend Bailey. But, there is more to her story than that. She uses her job working at the World Bank as a cover for managing resources for her parent's "R-Group", which carries out operations for clients such as surveillance. After graduation, Gracie goes to Amsterdam when she receives a call from Bailey. Bailey tells her about a case she has been investigating and that she needs Gracie's help.

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You Are Love is a self-help book that encourages readers to look within themselves and to find happiness. This book is written by Sara Spowart and calls upon her personal experiences in order to educate readers on their interconnectedness with everything and everyone around them. The book focuses on pain, suffering, and love, and begins with the author explaining the need to shift your perspective. She talks about the near-death experiences she has had and how she has learned to shift her perspective about these.

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Nick Grant was working as an employee at Pan American Airways when he was part of a flight accident due to a problem with the flight's engine. Due to flight regulations by the CAA, Nick is unable to fly with Pan American Airways until he gets cleared from the CAA investigation of the accident. Luckily, he is spending the summer at Naval Aviation Cadet training and will get to fly there. However, when Nick reaches the training, it is not what he expects. Instead of getting to learn and fly, he is stuck doing kitchen duty at the training.

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Dr. Lindsey McCall is the head of the Animal Science Center at a college. She starts to get to know one of the students who is friends with her daughter's roommate and realizes he is in need of some help. Joey is a transgender male and has been having regrets about transitioning from female to male. But, because of pressure from a doctor on campus, he feels the need to continue his journey. When Lindsey learns about this, she decides that she will help Joey to make the right decision and keep himself safe. She meets with her friend Kate Townsend who is an investigative journalist.

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Anya Novak had always been very timid. Growing up in Slovakia, she was always told that she needed to be quiet and supportive in the background. She was told that as a viola player, she has to blend into the background and allow the violin players to shine. Now, alone in the US after her parents' deaths, she continues to live a quiet lifestyle blending into the background. She plays the viola in a chamber orchestra, and one day near Christmas time, she meets an older man named Niels after rehearsal.