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Poppy and Marigold review by sylvie55555 | LitPick Book Reviews
Poppy and Marigold review by sylvie55555
Age Range - 8 - 12
Genre - Science Fiction
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 17
Reviewer's Location - Lexington, MA, United States
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Poppy is a 12-year-old who lives in a world that is divided by colors. She lives in the Blue region, where the most important things are efficiency and rules. Growing up, she was always told to not cross the border and leave Blue territory as it is highly illegal. She was taught that the neighboring orange territory was full of poor, uneducated, and unhappy people. One day, she is in the woods picking berries when a bear starts chasing her. In her panic, she runs without paying attention to where she is going and ends up in Orange territory. There, she meets a girl named Marigold. Marigold is nothing like she has learned about Orange People; she is kind and curious. Poppy ends up staying overnight with Marigold's family and starts to think that the Orange territory is not as bad as everyone says. However, she knows that she must sneak back into Blue territory the next morning and never reveal that she crossed the border. Otherwise, both she and her family could face dire consequences. Back in Blue territory, Poppy can't stop thinking about all the wonderful things she saw when she was with Marigold, and she starts to think that maybe a life full of just rules may not be great after all.


This book was a great read. From the start of the book, the author did a great job of describing the world that Poppy lives in and the rules that exist in the Blue region. This made it easy to understand why Poppy was so nervous when she accidentally ended up in the Orange region. Additionally, I liked how the book moved at a fast pace and started off right away with Poppy getting lost in the woods. This made the start of the book exciting and made me interested to keep reading. I think this book has a good underlying message about not making assumptions about others, as well as accepting and celebrating each other's differences. Overall, I think this is a great beginner chapter book for young readers who are starting to read short chapter books!

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