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Shadowfall review by Mact-13 | LitPick Book Reviews
Shadowfall review by Mact-13
Shadow Fall (Volume 1)
Age Range - Mature Young Adult
Genre - Adventure

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 16
Reviewer's Location - Douglas, Arizona (AZ), United States
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Shadow Fall is written in a dystopian world where people are stratified into specific groups. The elite are classified as the gold, the middle class belong in the silver, the bronze whom are considered the poor are at the bottom of this social hierarchy, and the Chosen, whom are a small group of people whose sole purpose is to change the world from the impending asteroid that will kill millions. Only the gold will be truly safe as they watch from a spaceship while the asteroid hits earth. However, trials will be held where a few who were once gold will get the chance to be saved as well. The main character is Maia Graystone who has been living in the pit ‘safely’ until certain circumstances cause Maia to be in danger. Maia isn’t alone and will be accompanied by Riser someone Maia she detests. In a world where everything seems to be determined from beginning to end, Maia is determined to go up against all odds in hopes of saving her younger brother. 


I enjoyed reading the story, although it was dystopian and had similar story lines that have been used in other books. I enjoyed some of the characters and felt they were well developed. However, I stress ‘some’ because a few of the characters did not feel fully developed or relatable in the way humans really act. I found the main character somewhat annoying, feeling she was selfish and never really relatable. Concerning other characters, I felt they were flat, only appearing when necessary for the plot and I wished that maybe they would have a more human qualities. However, the ending is open to a sequel, so maybe the first book was more focused on the plot of the story and not so much on character development. Another concern was some events were not explained fully, which I felt could have been improved on so the reader could enjoy the book without getting confused with what’s going on. I found Rider, a refreshing character who felt relatable more so than the actual heroine. Thus, people should read this book, since it is a good dystopian type of read and I will probably read the rest of this series. So overall I give it a 3 out of 5 the because the story needs works on its characters, but has a good plot that just needs to be explained a bit better.

Content Rating:

Content rating - some mature content

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There is mention of people being killed.




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