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Watch Hollow review by Junebug | LitPick Book Reviews
Watch Hollow review by Junebug
Watch Hollow
Age Range - 8 - 12
Genre - Juvenile Fiction
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

Age at time of review - 11
Reviewer's Location - Kittitas, WA, United States
View Junebug's profile

Ever since the death of Oliver and Lucy Tinker's mother, the family's clock shop business hasn't been doing very well. When a mysterious old man arrives at their shop door with a large pile of gold in exchange for the repair of a very important clock, the Tinker family is happy to take the job. The father and siblings cheerfully arrive at the house where the clock is kept but (please don't tell anyone) a bit afraid. The woods that surround the house are different from normal woods and creepier than normal woods as well. When the three of them examine the ten-foot-tall clock they are supposed to fix, they notice that instead of numbers on the clock's face, there are little wooden animals taking the digits' place. After Lucy finds out that the wooden animals come alive every night at midnight, she feels it hard to believe. Lucy soon finds out that a horrible crow has been snatching up the animals to give to the Garr, an evil tree man who wants the house for itself. Can Lucy get the animals back? Can the family get the clock ticking again? 


I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars because it's unpredictable, has great plot twists, and makes me feel the same way as the characters. If a character is afraid, I feel afraid.  If a character is relieved, I feel relieved. I really liked how all the animals had different personalities instead of them all acting like they were one animal and how Oliver and Lucy are on two different adventures until the end of the book. I think it was cool how the first chapter was about Lucy and the second chapter was about Oliver, and the characters switched off like that. The chapters always ended in cliffhangers and had me clinging onto every word. I think ages 8-13 would love this book.

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Content rating - nothing offensive

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I did not read anything offensive in this book.




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