Touched By An Alien review by KPor_Hopkins
Touched by an Alien (Alien Novels)
by Gini Koch
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Science Fiction
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 14
Reviewer's Location - Hopkins, MI , United States
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Kitty never had anything unnatural happen to her. She worked at an office, had pet fish, and didn't get into fights a lot. After jury duty at the Pueblo courthouse Katt came out to see a fight between a couple, no one did anything about it, minding their own business. Then the "man" turned into a winged alien and tore people to shreds. Kitty couldn't do anything to stop him but kill the "man". The only weapon Katt had was a fountain pen from her Dad. That was just the beginning of creepy aliens killing people. After a lot of information comes out Kitty finds herself in the middle of gorgeous Ac's (good aliens), ugly super beings, and a decision she never wants to make.


Touched by an Alien was a fast moving book filled with action, and adventure. Kitty, Jeff Martini, and Christopher White make a love triangle of their own while fighting Parasitic Creatures. After a lot of up paced action things slow down a little into finding out that Katt's parents aren't what they said they were all their life. With a mother that is in an anti terrorist program and a father who fell in love with her in Israel, Kitty learns not everything is as it seems. After a little slow down in the middle, the action picks right back up into more fast paced fighting. This book is more of a girl book with the romance, though guy's would like the fast pace fighting contained in the book. I would recommend this book to girls that love fantasy and action, mixed with romance.


Content Rating:

Content rating - some mature content


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