Book Reviews by KPor_Hopkins
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Weird sounds in the middle of the night, creatures lurking in the shadows, and a new family of Russians. The Rusakova family keeps to themselves, eats a lot of meat, and seem to be interested in Jessie. Jessie Gillmansen has had a lot of problems lately and showing the new student, Peitr Rusakova, around isn't going to be a joy. Peitr seems to be diffrent and all the girls seem to be interested in that, except Jessie. When Derek, Jessie's dream guy, begins to look her way something even weirder takes place; Peitr becomes protective of Jessie. Secrets, lies and action lie ahead.

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"Party" follows the night of eleven different teenagers at one different party. Little do they know that they all will be connected. What starts out to be a small crowd turns into a mob and trashes the guys house. Soon afterward smoking and drugs get mixed in with the beer. Not long after everything is getting heated up with fights, kissing, and shouting the police arrive. Not only do they show up with ambulances the party breaks up, and teenagers are scrambling to get out of there without being caught.

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Kitty never had anything unnatural happen to her. She worked at an office, had pet fish, and didn't get into fights a lot. After jury duty at the Pueblo courthouse Katt came out to see a fight between a couple, no one did anything about it, minding their own business. Then the "man" turned into a winged alien and tore people to shreds. Kitty couldn't do anything to stop him but kill the "man". The only weapon Katt had was a fountain pen from her Dad. That was just the beginning of creepy aliens killing people.