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SOS review by BookSnob0417 | LitPick Book Reviews
SOS review by BookSnob0417
Age Range - Any Age
Genre - Adventure
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 13
Reviewer's Location - Trenton, TX, United States
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SOS is a thrilling, fictional adventure book that features two main characters, Brandon and his little sister Amy. The novel begins with the two siblings on a cruise ship during a storm. Amy is trying to wake Brandon up because she is anxious. All of a sudden the carpet is soaked and they are struggling to get to a lifeboat. Once in the lifeboat, they watch while the mighty waves drag the vessel down into the depths of the ocean.  Brandon and Amy are then separated from their family and are forced to survive in the lifeboat. While Brandon and Amy are drifting at sea, they spot a ship!  The passengers on the ship help Amy and Brandon, but something feels off. They speak to the captain and discover that it is the year 1940! Brandon did not believe it one bit.  This could not happen, could it? After this, they encounter a beautiful girl named Eleanor who joins them in their journey. Together, they must escape after the second ship sinks. On the third ship, they come to realize that they are traveling back in time. As they keep navigating their situation, the three kids cross paths with older and older historical ships. While they struggle to survive on the ocean, Eleanor, Brandon, and Amy just want to be home, but will they ever get back? Will they be stuck on this roller coaster forever? 


This book was wonderful! I was intrigued and had a hard time putting the book down. The way the characters were portrayed really helped you understand them a whole lot more. For example, Brandon is your typical older brother who ignores his younger sister, Amy, and doesn’t want to spend much time with her. However, when they get into a life threatening situation, Brandon’s adrenaline motivates him to protect his sister and keep them alive. As a result of this, I really felt that the characters mimicked real life! Now, normally I am not a fan of when stories have multiple specific storylines, but the way this book converged together was super enjoyable! Personally I love historical fiction, and when I learned about The Benares, The Titanic, and The Austria, I was just fascinated! During this historical journey, it was not only an adventure, it was also a young romance. Brandon develops feelings for this gorgeous young girl, Eleanor. I overall loved reading this book, and I’m looking forward to reading more from this author! 

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Nothing inappropriate, super kid friendly!




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