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Shadow Fall review by nictaf | LitPick Book Reviews
Shadow Fall review by nictaf
Shadow Fall (Volume 1)
Age Range - Mature Young Adult
Genre - Adventure
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 14
Reviewer's Location - Phoenix, AZ, United States
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Shadow Fall is a book about Maia, aka Digger Girl, and her wild adventure. Maia is born a Bronze, which is at the lowest rank of society . Technology is banned, and because Maia's father has been secretly working on a project, he gets caught and killed.


Suddenly, Maia is cast into the Pit, and left for dead. She survives by her wits against all odds. After several years she is found by the Emperor and brought to the surface again due to the information they hope she has on her father's greatest creation. A giant meteor is heading to Earth, and it seems like Maia is the only one with the knowledge to stop it. Will Maia be able to stop the meteor against everyone trying to stop her? Find out in this book!


The author, Audrey Grey, wrote an amazing book, and I cannot wait for the next book in the series! Lots of the characters were very well described. The imagery was exciting and the story line was surprising. Shadow Fall was well-paced, also. I altogether loved this book, but due to some missing spaces between words, it was a little hard to read at times. The plot twist was great! I recommend this book for ages 11 and up because there was some death.

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Content rating - mature content

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There was some death and bloody scenes.

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