LitPick Review

In this story we follow two sisters, Angeline and Adelaide Hanson, in their journey across the United States. The setting is the summer of 1916 when women are still treated as if they could not do the same things as men. The two sisters were determined to show that women are just as capable as men. Their chance came up when someone said that they should have women as motorcycle dispatch riders for the war. They jumped at the chance to prove themselves. Throughout the story various unfortunate situations happen, but the sister carry on and find solutions so they can continue their ride.
This story was amazing and there was so much detail that I felt as if I was right there watching them. Like at the part where they thought that someone was shooting at them. Another time is when they were stranded on the side of the road with no supplies then Adelaide said,"Angie, where are we?" that's when I knew they were going to get into more trouble. They put so much detail into this story and that's what made it special for me.