LitPick Review

Paw Prints on the Couch: How Pets Enrich Our Lives by Kim Lengling is a collection of stories about pets: cats, dogs, and even horses! In these stories, the contributing authors share poignant memories involving their fur babies and how they have left a significant impact on their lives. These tales, narrated from the perspective of the owners or the pets themselves, are a blend of humor and heartbreak. The book also includes a brief chapter on factors to consider before getting a pet.
Kim Lengling’s Paw Prints on the Couch: How Pets Enrich Our Lives is a relaxing read. Anyone who is going through a difficult time might want to pick the book up; the stories can provide momentary relief in more than one way. Pets do wonderful things, and it is always fun to hear their stories. Apart from that, some of the tales deal with overcoming challenges and embracing growth. The writing may appear a little raw at times, but it is unlikely to put a reader off, especially the ones who are looking for an easy read. I recommend it to animal-loving readers of all ages.