LitPick Review
Age at time of review - 10
Reviewer's Location -
United States
View O.B. WAN's profile
The Incredible Space Raiders From Space is about a kid named Jonah Hillcrest who wakes up on a falling-apart spaceship called the Fantastic Flying Squirrel. It’s full of dangers like Captain White Shark and his crew and the Shrieker. There are tons of other kids. He finds out that he’s now an Incredible Space Raider, and that he must stop the Entirely Evil Things from the Dark Zone...
This book was EPIC! This is one of the best books I’ve ever read. It has adventure, comedy, and not much romance. My favorite part is when Jonah and another Space Raider encounter the Shrieker for the first time. I would recommend this book to boys age 6-10.
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There is nothing in this book that would offend a parent or child.