LitPick Review

M.C. Ryder has written the all things to know about standing up for yourself when it comes to bullying. It is a heartfelt book that teaches why people become a bully and what you can really do to stand up to a bully. Ryder has a way of genuinely talking about a tough subject from a compassionate but firm viewpoint. Stand up to Bullying covers everything from standing up to your bully by saying, "no," to ignoring the bully, to finding kindness as a way to throw off your bully.
This book can be a great resource for preteens up through adults, especially those who are looking for a relatable and heartfelt informational text about what they can do to stop a bully. It offers strategies and tools for several settings including, school, home, and the workplace. Ryder is not a psychologist or counselor but writes with empathy and knowledge of these specialties. Worth the read and one that parents, teachers, and other adults should have on their shelves as a go-to resource.