LitPick Review

Book Review for Fangirl
The book that I am reviewing is Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. I liked this book a lot. The maturity level is very high. I would say that a mature 7th grader might be able to read this book.
In this book the main character Cath and her twin sister Wren go to college. Wren is all about the college scene and the parties, while Cath does not really want to be there. Cath’s roommate Reagan is not very nice to Cath. There is this boy that is always in Cath’s room with Reagan. Cath thought that he was Reagan’s boyfriend, but he is not. His name is Levi and he really likes Cath.
One day Cath and Levi start dating. Cath goes to a party that Levi is holding. When she and Reagan arrived at the party Cath found Levi kissing another girl. Cath was furious. Levi and Cath ended up making up.
Cath’s sister Wren gets alcohol poisoning from going to too many parties and is in the hospital. When she gets there she finds her long lost mother. She is not happy to see her because she deserted her and Wren when they were eight years old. After a few days Wren gets better. Cath does not want to go back to college after this.
In this book there is a lot of swearing. There is also a little talk about sexual feelings. Like I said above the maturity level is very high. So think about reading this book.
To find out of Cath and Wren will go back to college the next year and if Levi and Cath keep dating read Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell!
I liked this book a lot. There was a lot of swearing and sexuall talk so think about reading it before you do.