LitPick Review

Boundaries are everywhere: geographical, cultural, religious, and many more. Perhaps one of the most famous boundary lines in America is the Mason-Dixon Line. Many people would recognize the name, but do they know the story of how it was created?
This book starts all the way back in the beginning and runs through an extremely detailed story about Mason and Dixon, and how their line was created. Boundaries: How the Mason-Dixon Line Settled a Family Feud and Divided a Nation is a fantastic book for anyone looking to learn more about the infamous Mason-Dixon boundary.
Boundaries: How the Mason-Dixon Line Settled a Family Feud and Divided a Nation is a wonderfully illustrated and beautifully accurate account of how the Mason-Dixon Line came to be. Numerous characters fill the pages, almost too many to keep track of, as the author carries us through the legacy of Mason and Dixon and their boundary.
As we enter the story, several characters are introduced and then dropped a few chapters later. This same pattern continues throughout, making it a challenge to keep track of all the people. About halfway into the book, Mason and Dixon are finally deep into their creation of the line. The author adeptly executes filling the book with accurate historical details as well as real pictures.
The conclusion of Boundaries is slow and is welcomed when it finally arrives. A reader learns about the importance of the Mason-Dixon Line and then briefly about its legacy. This book functions more as a research tool, not as a book for pleasure-reading. If you are investigating the Mason-Dixon Line this is an excellent resource!