Boundaries: How the Mason-Dixon Line Settled a Family Feud and Divided a Nation
Boundaries: How the Mason-Dixon Line Settled a Family Feud and Divided a Nation
Boundaries: How the Mason-Dixon Line Settled a Family Feud and Divided a Nation
Sally M. Walker
The Mason-Dixon Line’s history, replete with property disputes, persecution, and ideological conflicts, traverses our country’s history from its founding to today. We live in a world of boundaries — geographic, scientific, cultural, and religious. One of America’s most enduring boundaries is the Mason-Dixon Line, most associated with the divide between the North and the South and the right to freedom for all people. Sibert Medal–winning author Sally M. Walker traces the tale of the Mason-Dixon Line through family feuds, brave exploration, scientific excellence, and the struggle to define a cohesive country. But above all, this remarkable story of surveying, marking, and respecting lines of demarcation will alert young history buffs to their guaranteed right and responsibility to explore, challenge, change, and defend the boundaries that define them.

Book Details


  • Educational
  • Historical Nonfiction
  • Nonfiction

Age Level: 

  • 8 - 12
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The book I chose, Boundaries: How the Mason-Dixon Line Settled a Family Feud and Divided a Nation, by Sally M. Walker takes place in a colonial setting where the 13 original English colonies in North America make a map of the area and there is an error in the map regarding colony borders. The colony hires a team of surveyors to correct the error and set the boundary line straight.

Boundaries are everywhere: geographical, cultural, religious, and many more. Perhaps one of the most famous boundary lines in America is the Mason-Dixon Line. Many people would recognize the name, but do they know the story of how it was created?

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