LitPick Review

The book I read was "Age of Hero’s: the Witches Gauntlet" by B. A. Shulte. The main character of the story is a young girl name Samantha Hathaway. The story was about a family that defended the world against magic and secret forces. Throughout the story Samantha has to protect the world from and evil forces after first being blamed for stealing a powerful artifact. Samantha runs into many problems from beginning of the book you can see this because of the International Sorcerers Guild Magical Enforcement Squad that try to arrest her.
I did not like the book because I don't like books about magic. I mean time wouldn't freeze and there wouldn't be intergalactic forces trying to arrest you. Samantha was credible because she tried to live a normal life at first before anything happened. I don't relate to any of the characters because I don't have an imagination and I can't imagine living in a world with magic in it.
Personally I did not enjoy the book, but maybe someone else will. I just wasn't very interested in it. It just all depends on what you like to read. I could recommend it to other people but it's just about what you like to read. Some might like it some might not, oh well.