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A Million Views review by subhashree | LitPick Book Reviews
A Million Views review by subhashree
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction

LitPick Review

Age at time of review - 22
Reviewer's Location - Hooghly, West Bengal, India
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What Do You Do with Friends Who Don't Return Your Messages? A Million Views is a story about a twelve-year-old boy named Brewster Gaines. He is very introverted, and therefore, he doesn’t have any friends. Brewster focuses on his life and ignores problems in his family. Brewster only loves to make videos and post them on YouTube. He always dreams of getting a million views. One day he needs one more person to be in his ten-second video so he approaches one of his classmates Carly, to cast with him in it. When Carly tells her friend Rosa about the ten-second video she will be making with Brewster, Rosa offers to produce a movie trailer and asks Brewster if he wants to direct it. Brewster accepts the position as a director of the trailer, nd gradually as things get underway, one by one they add more cast and crew. Read A Million Views to find out why Brewster's family is different than others? How the trailer changes Brewster mentally and personally? Who are the cast and crew and how did they join? Finally, read this book to discover how the movie trailer turned out?


A Million Views is a great book, once you take the book in your hands, it's hard to put down. I enjoyed several things about this book. First, this book has a detailed description of video and filmmaking. I loved the way the author presented Brewster and his friends'; hard work, dedication, and devotion to making the movie trailer look real. We all can relate to 12 year old kids, learning new things, and figuring out emotions. This story actually reminded me of when I was 12 years old, figuring out my emotions and how to react to certain things. Overall, this book presents us with a picture of this age, children's creativity at its peak, and the difficulties faced in implementing it. I enjoyed reading A Million Views, and I recommend this book to people of all ages. Be prepared though because depending on your age and online experience, every reader will have a different perspective on the story and its interesting outcome.

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