The true story of two crazy parents traveling with four small children…on a budget
Passports and Pacifiers follows a naïve, baby-wearing family on eight memorable, affordable, and nap-centered trips. It starts with two bumbling parents taking their Never-Sleep infant to child-loving Italy and ends six years later with an adventure across Scandinavia.
Readers are regaled with honest, often hilarious, accounts of their misadventures, like losing the only pacifier of the trip, missing ferries, and soothing tantrums across the globe. The Jains find deals—traveling just a tad off the prime season, finding buy one get two flights, and using credit card miles and free grandparent babysitters—and save where they can. They stay cheap, shack up with in-laws, and visit generous family and friends.
Part memoir, part guide, this travelogue serves an inspiration to new and seasoned parents alike. Parents of small children receive hard-earned travel tips, including:
• Entertaining kids during long flights
• Packing light (while bringing what you need!)
• Driving with a carsick-prone toddler
• Keeping your Ever-Hungry spouse happy
Traveling with kids is rewarding, entertaining, and memorable. After reading these adventures, you will want to take that trip.
Book Details
- Nonfiction
Age Level:
- Any Age