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My Life Hereafter review by amandaspk17 | LitPick Book Reviews
My Life Hereafter review by amandaspk17
My Life Hereafter
Age Range - Mature Young Adult
Genre - Paranormal

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 18
Reviewer's Location - Brule, NE, United States
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My Life Hereafter is a story about a teen girl who finds herself in the hereafter, with 59 of her classmates, due to a bus crash she blames herself for. In this world, Sunel and her classmates are separated into groups and taken to different parts of the hereafter, where each group is informed of their destiny. However, Sunel’s classmate Mark is set on rescuing his twin brother from the wrong side of destiny. With the assistance of another classmate, the two set off through the unknown to discover where they are, and more importantly, who they are.


My Life Hereafter is a great example of discovering the truths people keep hidden deep down inside. It follows several characters through the discovery of who they were in life and who they wish to become in death. I like that this novel is told through the eyes of a teenager and shows how a teen would think and react to finding themselves in a situation concerning life, death, God, and the choices that come with all three.


One thing I struggled with in this novel was the quickness with which certain components came to life: the main characters deciding to be best friends, the choice to go with Mark, the revelations of one of the characters concerning Sunel. It seemed a bit rushed and then became overly dramatic.


This book has coming-of-age, action, suspense, and a little romance. The supernatural aspect is almost an aside, so even readers who do not normally pick up books concerning supernatural or magic will enjoy this. I would recommend My Life Hereafter to ages 13-17.

Content Rating:

Content rating - religious perspective

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This novel concerns Heaven and Hell and mentions God several times. However, religion is not specified.



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