LitPick Review

In the book Archon, Taemon is a bot and the main character. Taemon's mother is in a coma and Taemon's father is missing. Taemon travels to save his father from the Republik (a city across a mountain away from Deliverance) with Amy. Even though Taemon took away psi (the ability to move objects with your mind) from Deliverance, there is still psi in places of the world and the Republik calls these people that possess it "archons". Taemon trains a group of archons that are good with psi, but if he fails he will be thrown in a dungeon. When Taemon gets back to Deliverance there is a surprise that Taemon never would have expected. He finds out the Republik is getting ready to attack Deliverance. This is a sequel to the book Freakling.
I liked reading about Taemon and Amy's adventure to the Republik to save Taemon's father. I think it was a good choice get rid of psi in Deliverance. I did not think that there would be psi somewhere else in the world but I was surprised when I got more into the book. What I like about this book is that I found out Taemon and Challis are not the only ones with different types of psi. What I did not understand about this book is even though Taemon agreed to train the archons, they still threatened to throw him in their dungeon, but I still liked reading about Taemon training the archons. I would rate this book five stars because I like books with cliffhangers at the end of the chapters.