The Whizz Pop Chocolate Shop review by moseso
The Whizz Pop Chocolate Shop
by Kate Saunders
Age Range - 8 - 12
Genre - Fantasy

LitPick Review

Age at time of review - 10
Reviewer's Location - Lewisburg, Tennessee, United States
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In the ‘Whizz Pop Chocolate Shop’ there are two main characters: Lily and Oz, which is short for Oscar.  They are asked to help destroy a plot from their evil Great-Great Uncle. Soon they find out that they both have magical powers and that is why they are specifically needed to foil the plot. Lily and Oz also need these powers to help save their family and the world!  The author, Kate Saunders, purpose of the book was to entertain a young reader with a magical story.  The book fits into a fun, adventure kind of category.        


My overall opinion on ‘The Whizz Pop Chocolate Shop’ is that it was too magical.  The realities of the actions in the book are pure fantasy and would never happen in real life.  I did not enjoy how Kate Saunders added parts where ghosts and goblins jumped out.  However, I did like the characters of Oz and Lily.  Their personalities are good, but when there out on ‘missions’ they tell their parents that they are at camp or diving lessons, so that they ‘know where they are’.  In my opinion, that sets a bad example because I look at it as deceiving your own parents!  I often got distracted while I was reading the book and daydreamed sometimes as well.  The author’s voice is obviously magical, too magical.  Kate Saunders purpose was reached, but I did not benefit from her purpose.  The vocabulary is appropriate for ages 10-12.             

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Age appropriate for 10-12. Some may not enjoy or agree with the "magical" powers the children in the book have.




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