Through Time: Beijing review by YG
Through Time: Beijing
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Educational

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 13
Reviewer's Location - Palo Alto, CA, United States
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A group gathers around the campfire. Their clothes are made from animal skins sewn with bone needles. They cook their latest catch - a deer. This is China in 16,000 BC. Fast forward 15,650 years, and there is now a thriving town. This town is called Ji, and sits at the future site of Beijing. In 1215 AD, Genghis Khan and the Mongols conquered China, and named the new capital Dadu. The Mongols were overthrown in 1368 by the Ming Dynasty. The Ming built the Forbidden City and built most of the Great Wall that we see today. Beijing ("Northern Capital") was born. Life in the Forbidden City and nearby Beijing thrived until corruption and neglection by the emperors made the empire weak to foreign attacks. In 1644, the Manchurian people entered the Forbidden City and named their new dynasty Qin. In the 19th century, China was involved in the Opium Wars with Great Britain. During this period, the British looted and burned many temples and buildings. Pu Yi was the last emperor, and was put out of power in 1911. Since then, China changed drastically. In 2008, Beijing, a city with a rich history, will host the Summer Olympics.


This book gives a basic overview of the history of Beijing. Not much specific details are given about the history of China as a whole. There is a timeline on the history of Beijing, which summarizes what the book states. As a 9th grader, I have already been taught about the history of China. Therefore, when I read this book, it feels like a memory-refresher. At times, I feel like the author skipped some information, such as the events that occurred between 350 BCE and 1179 AD. During this time, Qin Shi Huang became the first emperor of China. Therefore, I believe the age level for this book is appropriate. Every page is filled with drawings. Although there are no actual photographs, the artwork provides a great visual imagery. On each page, there are dozens of notes describing what is going on in the pictures. Overall, this is a great starter book for someone who wants to learn about the history of Beijing!


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