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Meet Me At The River review by tlang | LitPick Book Reviews
Meet Me At The River review by tlang
Meet Me at the River
Age Range - Mature Young Adult
Genre - Fiction
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 18
Reviewer's Location - Locust Grove, Oklahoma, United States
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Tressa and Luke are in love. They have been best friends for an extremely long time. However, only one of them is alive, and that person is Tressa. Luke was Tressa's only friend. With a mother who always ran away all over the country with Tressa by her side, it was hard to make friends or keep them. But Luke always remained her friend, even after Tressa and her mom were gone for years.  While they were dating, none of their family members approved of their relationship, because Tressa and Luke are actually step-siblings. Luke's dad and Tressa's mom are married, and Luke and Tressa share a blood-related sibling together. But that didn't bother them.

Ever since Luke's death, Tressa doesn't know if she even wants to continue her life. Or move on from Luke, especially since they are able to still see each other. During the night, Luke visits Tressa and no one else. How can Tressa ever be able to move on from Luke's death if she can still see him?



I easily became emotionally attached to this book. I love Tressa and Luke's relationship and I love Luke's past life story. His past life story consists of what his dad went through over and over whenever Tressa's mother broke his heart and ran away with Tressa. Luke also talks about his best childhood memories, his worst, and the memories he had with Tressa.

Tressa loved Luke because he was her very first friend; she moved around so much with her mother that she'd never stayed in one place to really make friends. However, Luke remained her friend no matter how many years they were apart. He made her laugh, taught her how to snowboard, and chose her instead of his popular friends at school. Luke is the kind of guy who would never let you down, who would give you the chance of friendship even if no one else did; he is a strong-willed man who shows how much he cares about people with his actions.

Tressa is a lonely teenage girl who doesn't have a friend except her beloved dog and Luke. After Luke's death, Tressa falls into a depression that made me want to cry along with her. The author did an amazing job with each description. I couldn't stop thinking how I would act after my best friend died. I was so attached to this book and definitely recommend it to anyone.

Content Rating:

Content rating - some mature content

Explain your content rating: 

Language, depression, and suicide.




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