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The Life of Frederick Douglass review by NatsustayHappy | LitPick Book Reviews
The Life of Frederick Douglass review by Natsustay...
The Life of Frederick Douglass: A Graphic Narrative of a Slave's Journey from Bondage to Freedom
by Marissa Louise, David F. Walker, Damon Smyth
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Historical Nonfiction
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 15
Reviewer's Location - Guys Mills, PA, United States
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Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, better known as Frederick Douglass, was born a slave in the United States. Ever since he was a small child, he knew the horrors of the practice of slavery. All throughout Frederick’s life, he fought for the downfall of slavery. As an escaped slave himself, he preached to the people about his story. Large crowds would gather to hear the story of a man who grew up to work for his owners, and Frederick was happy to tell. As the movement for slavery escalated, Frederick began to realize that this wasn’t just about freeing his family and friends, but this was about uniting America as a whole nation. This was something that he was willing to give everything for – even his life.


This graphic novel was very informative, and while reading it, I learned so much that I didn’t know about Frederick Douglass. His story is so captivating, and I loved that the author wrote this book from Frederick’s perspective. It makes you feel like you are hearing the story directly from Frederick himself! This book also contains some of the most beautiful artwork that I’ve ever seen in a graphic novel. The art is very detailed, and makes the book so much more intriguing. This was a really good read, and I recommend it for anyone who is looking to learn more about American history.

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Content rating - some mature content

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There is some foul language and some images containing blood that may be disturbing to younger readers. There is also a section that mentions rape.




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