LitPick Review

Age at time of review - 11
Reviewer's Location -
United States
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It's Just a Penny is a picture book that teaches young readers about money! The book starts by showing the different coins and bills we have in the US. Then, each bill and coin's value is explained, and the value is shown using other bills or coins. For example, a nickel is equal to 5 pennies. The book ends with explaining the smallest value coin we have - the penny! It explains how the penny is worth 1 cent, and how it costs more to make a penny than the value of a penny. Finally, the book gives a short Money Quiz for readers to check their new knowledge about money! This is the perfect book to introduce kids to the concept of money and how it works!
Overall, this was a great book! The author used language that was very easy to understand, so even young kids will be able to understand this book on their own. In addition, the author did a great job of including visuals throughout the book. Not only were visuals used to show how each bill and coin looks, but they were also used to provide a visual representation of each bill/coin's value. I liked how the author included a little cartoon character who made jokes and provided fun facts on all the pages, as this made the book more entertaining. Overall, I think this is a great book for people interested in learning about the currency system in the US, or just anyone wanting to read a fun picture book about money!
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This book is perfect for young kids